Anarchist Marketing & Mutual aid

Anarchy means no rulers not no rules. Most societies in history were run in an anarchistic fashion. Rule by council and consensus rather than judgement or law. It is the belief that life cannot be bottled. that individualism and industrialization do not work well together.

Anarchist Marketing: Promoting community needs to businesses and the community. Advocating for locally owned and managed solutions that are sustainable. Working to keep benefits and control local.

We work with independent workers, small businesses, not for profits and mutual aid groups. Building communities and sharing information. Education is key.

Not all commerce is capitalistic. Some businesses such as real estate or investing are profit based but most local businesses are not. Profits are leveraged not earned. Worker owned businesses are mostly earning a living, what little they have after salary and operating expenses are put back into the business. While they are still paying into profit via rent and credit the more independent we become the stronger we are as a community

Keeping the value of labor locally has a greater return to the community which they serve, because they live here they will spend the money they earn here. Big box stores and corporations extract.

Profits are not earned They’re leveraged

Gnomeaid works with locally owned, sole proprietors, partnerships, co-ops and mutual aid networks. Promoting community based sustainable solutions.

To join this network you must answer the riddle. Best of luck

Anarchist Marketing

Anarchy means no rulers. Rulers told you that is chaos. Most of the leaders and heroes we look up to are products of propaganda or marketing. Edison didn’t invent the lightbulb he made it commercially viable. The overwhelming majority of human progress is made one tiny step at a time. We build off those who came before us. Great thinkers do not exist in a vacuum. During Edison’s time there was a glut of engineers and mathematicians. Its what the world had been building to or needed. Consciously or not humans respond to need collectively and heroes are usually decided post mortem.

Leaders and heroes do exist, they arise out of necessity usually in response to misfortune. Being a true leader or hero is hard so the rewards are often great. Great enough to seem worth the sacrifice and in time when the sacrifice is not so fresh in their memory, great enough to encourage a little misfortune.

If you give a mouse a cookie…

A true leader or hero takes us out of danger and leads us to a more sustainable path. They arise out of need and step aside when the need is gone. Allowing for voices more in line with community in that place, each voice in turn do the same. The need for an overseer or leader in perpetuity is oppression in disguise. Allowing systems to grow so great they lose site of the details. the individuals.

True communities work toward sustainability, the future and balance. Live a life in glory rather than for it.

So what is Anarchist Marketing

Anarchist marketing works from the communities perspective rather than the product or business. We advocate and facilitate community based answers to community needs. We work to find locally sourced, owned and operated solutions. Sustainable answers to common every day need.

Living sustainably is revolutionary in a world built on consumption.

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The role of an artist is to make revolution irresistible. ~ Toni Cade Bambara