Hello. I am Ag. or A. Gnome. Welcome, stay a while and leave me a note to say you stopped by.
I think names and titles should evolve as we grow. While these titles are not my legal denomination, that you can find on the site data if you have need or so desire, these are more meaningful to me because it grew naturally, there is a story behind it. Nicknames are a fragment of oral tradition. A basic stiving of humans to personalize and memorialize moments. this is part of the collective consciousness that is human race. We are part of nature, as is language and science. separations are for our understanding until they get in the way. I search for the connections and remember differences are nothing more than perspectives.
While this tells you very little about what I have done or am doing in life, I think it tells you what you need. It provides direct insights into my nature, my gnomeness or fluidity of being.I have lived many lives and mastered many arts & thoughts, to go on would be to write my life and to surmise is to mislead. I do not want to get in the way of your understanding of me.
I am not selling anything except ideas. I am a Druid, Bard, Sage and a Gnome. Each title with its own story you will likely find scattered amongst these pages. I am a student of nature, the Tao and of science. I remain open and request you do too. I avoid attachment in all forms. I hold no ideas as sacred. The only guarantee in life are exceptions. These pages are my ponderings and wanderings. I offer space to those who need it.